About Us | Your Safety DepartmentSM

Capability Statement

Your Safety DepartmentSM is a privately-held, safety solution services company founded in 2011. Its tagline is “Safety Solutions Made Simple” where vision, processes, regulation, and safety culture are organized to change behaviors and influence positive safety results within its clientele organizations.

Your Safety DepartmentSM provides both onsite and online services including drug and alcohol testing, outsourced safety, respirator fit testing, safety training, and written safety compliance programs all designed for seamless implementation into existing safety management systems. Our goal is to train, test, certify, equip and, supply safety personnel.

Your Safety DepartmentSM sells to all companies working for the oil, gas, chemical, power, mining, agriculture, construction, and general industry sectors located in San Antonio, Eagle Ford Shale Basin, and South Texas. We seek to be the premier safety company in this region.

Learn More - Your Safety DepartmentSM

Whether you are new to safety and need help in getting your safety program off to the right start or you are a seasoned safety professional looking for fresh ideas and the latest safety standards you have come to the right place!

Our approach to safety is to provide services that support your safety vision of no harm to people, no damage to the environment, no damage to plant and equipment, and no damage to your company's reputation. We do this by providing services that support processes and procedures, help you remain in compliance with regulatory requirements, and assist you with necessary changes in your safety culture. Learn more by exploring our website.

If you need safety consultative services, independent risk assessments, audits, safety training, or a third-party incident investigation then:

Call Now: 888-859-5653 or

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