PermitRequired Confined Space | Your Safety Department
Competent Person Training
Your Safety Department, LLC has developed an 8-hour standalone Permit Required Confined Space Training module for Competent Persons.
(Length: 8 hours)
The attendee to the class will become familiar with the dangers associated with entering into and working safely in confined spaces. The key objective is to educate the participant about controlling hazards, identifying hazardous conditions, physical and chemical properties, toxicity, concentration levels, personal protective equipment use, detection measures, rescue, and first aid in and around confined spaces.
Permit Required Confined Space Syllabus
The attendee will be required to successfully complete a written evaluation of the information presented during this training session as recommended by OSHA Regulations 29CFR1926.21 & 29CFR1926.1207.
This course is designed for personnel with "hands-on" work on and around equipment which may be exposed to a Permit Required Confined Space environment.
- OSHA's Confined Space Standard
- Alternative to a full permit entry
- Written program requirements
- Controlling hazards
- Equipment for safe entry
- Detection of hazardous conditions
- Informing contract employees
- Entry permits
- Cancelled entry permits
- Worker training
- Assigned duties
- Authorized entrant
- Attendant
- Entry supervisor
- Emergencies
- Rescue service personnel
- Harnesses and retrieval lines
The successful participant will receive a wallet-sized, laminated Permit Required Confined Space Training Certification Card valid for a period of two years.
Cost per student $210.00 (at Competent Person Level - 8 Hour Course
Cost per student $125.00 (at Awareness Level - 4 Hour Course
Please call to schedule, or use our contact form and we will respond within 24 hours of your request.
Call: 888-859-5653